
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2024

Le mindset pour vaincre l'échec - The mindset to defeat fear of failure !

Turning the Fear of Failure into a Growth Lever When you’ve experienced failure, talking about it can bring back memories. Sometimes, you wonder: What was really happening in those moments? 😊 The key to overcoming the fear of failure is in a shift in perspective , in faith , in trusting God and the abilities He has invested in us. Failure is not the end; it’s an opportunity to learn and grow. We can transform this fear into a tool for personal and professional development. Here are a few tips: Accept that failure is part of the process : The greatest leaders have failed before they succeeded. Steve Jobs was fired from his own company (can you imagine?) before coming back and transforming it into a tech giant. Learning to embrace failure allows us to draw essential lessons. God often hides our greatest successes in our biggest failures … Yebela! (wink) 😉 Redefine the concept of success : Success should not only be measured by immed

Voleur ? violeur ? goujat ? qui es-tu vraiment ?

Daily Temptation  What is your identity? Do you have values? Do you have a personality? Do you stand for a cause? Are you an honest person? Are you a Christian? A disciple of Christ? An atheist? Do you believe in heaven? In hell? What is your relationship with lies? With truth? What are you willing to sacrifice for money? How far would you go? ... No matter who you are, what you do, or what your convictions are, life will test you every day to see if you remain true to your identity, your values, and your beliefs. It will hold you accountable. Sometimes harshly, but most often in subtle ways. It’s during great difficulties or major changes that we truly realize who we are. But that identity is shaped by the small, everyday actions, often unnoticed. I read somewhere a principle stated like this: "If you are faithful in little things, then you will be entrusted with greater things." This principle is unique because it invites us to consider faithfulness in its broadest sense. H

Success doesn't wait for those who choose ignorance

  🚀 Success doesn't wait for those who choose ignorance    Today, I want to share a simple, yet powerful piece of advice: Invest in yourself. 📚✨ Honestly, I'm in the middle of this right now, and it's transformative. Learning has become my daily routine. 🔄   By this challenge, I've decided to take action : put everything I've learned into practice and, above all, share that knowledge . Because one thing's for sure, shared knowledge is the key to collective success. 🗝️🤝   Today, we have an incredible opportunity : knowledge is just a click away. 💻📱 With AI, the Internet and all the technologies available, knowledge is more accessible than ever! But what really matters is how you use it. Before you embark on this quest, I encourage you to take an inner journey. Get to know yourself, understand your true direction. 🧭✨   And remember, as Idriss Aberkane says: “Investing in knowledge is investing in the future.” 🌍💡   💬 And you, what a